امتحانات هستولوجي -القصر العيني-اسئلة مهمة 66
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امتحانات هستولوجي -القصر العيني-اسئلة مهمة Coolapx

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امتحانات هستولوجي -القصر العيني-اسئلة مهمة 66
عزيزى الزائر عند قيامك بعمليه التسجيل
يستوجب عليك تنشيط حسابك من خلال رساله
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امتحانات هستولوجي -القصر العيني-اسئلة مهمة Coolapx
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امتحانات هستولوجي -القصر العيني-اسئلة مهمة

اذهب الى الأسفل

امتحانات هستولوجي -القصر العيني-اسئلة مهمة Empty امتحانات هستولوجي -القصر العيني-اسئلة مهمة

مُساهمة من طرف عبده الجارح الجمعة 08 يناير 2010, 12:16 am

Histology for first year
Mid-year Exams
Answer the folowin2 ouestions (Each questions in a separate:
I- Define cell organells . enumerate the membranous and nonmembermous cell organells
2- Draw and label a haversian system of a compact bone.
3- classify glandular epithelium according to the nature of section and give one example of each.
4- enumerate the various cells present in the bone marrow.
5- what are the types of cartilage ?give two sites for each type in the human body
6- mention the structure of the human chromosome.
7- what are the stains used for the demonstration of the following?
a- Reticular fibers b- Fat cells
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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c-Liver glycogen. d- Reticulocytes.
8- enumerate the cellular pattern of connective tissue proper with referance to function.
9- what are the percentage of different types of leucocytes? Write the functions of neutrophils.
10- mention the type epithelium present in die following organs:
a-Thyroid gland. b-Small intestine. c-Uterus.
d-Epidermis of skin e-Urinary bladder, f-Trachea
g- Blood vessel. h- Pancreas.

Jan., .1992
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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Answer the following questions (each question in a separate page):
1 - Enumerate with reference to functions the organdies which participate in cellular metabolism.
2- what are the stages of erythropoeisis?
3- Tabulate the main differences between T- and B -lymphocytes
4- Define Rh factor, mention its clinical significance.
5- What is meant by adifferntial leucocytic count? Mention the percentage of
different types of leucocytes
6- Mention the function of the following structures:
a- Perichondrium b- Mast cells.
c- Nucleus. d- Eosinophils.
e- Cilia f- Microvilli.
g- Blood platelets. h- Osteoclasts.
7- Draw and label a section of costal cartilage.
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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8- Mention the types of epithelium present in the following organs:
a- Oesophagus. b- Urinary bladder.
C- Trachea. d- Thyroid gland.
e- Fallopian tube. f- Epididymis
g- Epidermis of skin. h-Serous membranes.
9-Classify glandular epithelium according to the mode of secretion, Give ONE example for each type.
10- Mention the sites of the following structures:
a- Yellow elastic cartilage b-Mucoid connective tissue.
C- Cancellous bone. d- white fibres
e- Adipose connective. f- Haversian system.
g- Endocrine glands. h-Stratified columnar epithelium.

KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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JAN., 1993
. Answer the following questions (Each in a separate page: 2
Mraks )
1- Classify glandular epithelium according to the nature of secretion.
2- Tabulate the differences between the red and white blood cells.
3- Enumerate the cell organells involved in the secretory activity of the living cells. Mention the functions of TWO only.
4- Draw and label a section in ground compact bone.
5- Mention the various stages in granulopoeisis.
6- Describe the structure of a human chromosome.
7- Define R factor. Mention its clinical significance.
8- what are the functions of the following:
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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a- Mast cells. b- Osteoblats.
c- Perichondrium. d- Nucleus.
9- Mention the types of cartilage present in the human body with reference to their sites and functions.
10- What are the lining epithelium of the following:
a- Ureter. b- Vas deferens.
C- Thyroid gland. d- Small intestine

HISTOLOGY 3/2/1994
All questions are to be answered (Two Marks Each):
1- Enumerate only the different types of stratified epithelium Mention two sites in human body for each type
2- mention two functions only of each of the following:
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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a -Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
b- Lysosomes.
c- Golgi apparatus.
d- Cell coat.
3- What are the various types of cartilage? Mention two in the human body for each type.
4- where dose neuro-epithelium occur in the human body
5- Mention four causes only which give rise to chromosomal aberrations (abnormalities).
6- what are the various types of connective tissue proper Mention two sites only in human body for each type.
7- Discuss four items only about how the structure of an erythrocyte is adapted to perform its function.
8- Mention four functions only of T - lymphorytes.
9- Mention four functions only of intracellular microfelaments the different cells of human body.
10- Mention two causes only for each of the following:
a- Neutrophilia. (increase of neutrophils)
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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b- Eosinophilia. (increase of eosinphils)
C- Lymphocytosis. (increase of lymphocytes)
d- Leucopenia (decrease of leucocytes)

June Exam. 1997
Total Marks:10
Answer the following questions:
1) Give -a full account on the electron microscopic structure and functions of lysosomes and Golgi Apparatus.
2) Discuss the detailed structure and functions of Non-Granular leucocytes.
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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3) Describe the light and electron- microscopic structure of the cardiac muscles and the conducting system of the heart
including the purkinge muscle fibres.
4) Write a detailed account on the structure of thick non-hairy skin. Mention its functions and types of diseases which can
be diagnosed through skin examination

Final Exams
HISTOLOGY 17/1/ 1991
Answer the following questions:
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N.B.: Illustrate all your answers with coloured diagrams.
1- Describe in detail the cytological characteristics of a neuron with particular reference to its various types and sites. (10)
2- Discuss in detail the histological structure of human spleen with special reference to its blood circulation and
3- Enumerate the general charactristes of epithelium. Describe the different types of simple epithelium with reference to
their various sites and functions.
4- Give an account of the following:
a- Endoplasmic reticulum.
b- Neutrophil leucocytes.
c- Neuroglia proper.

KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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Answer the followjng questions:
Illustrate all your answers with coloured diagrams:
I - Describe in detail the histological characteristics of human lymph node with special reference to its cellular content and
functions. (10)
2- Give an account of the following:
a- Motor end plate. (4)
b- Neutrophils. (3)
c- alveolar phagocytes. (3)
3- Discuss the cellular pattern and fibres of the connective tissue proper with reference to their functions (10)
4- Write a detailed account of the following:
a -Bone cells. (4)
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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b- Human chromosome. (3)
c- Arterio-venous anastomosis. (3)

HISTOLOY 28/6/1993
Answer the following questions:
Illustrate all your answers with coloured diagrams.
1- Describe in detail the structure of human lymph node with reference to its cellular content, lymph circulation and its
role in the living body. (10)
2- Discuss the structure of compact bone with particular reference to the various types of bone cells and their
3- Give an account of the following: (20)
a- Glandular epithelium.
b- Neutrophil leucocyte.
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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c-Muscle spindle.
d- Endoplasmic reticulum

HISTOLOGY 25/6/1994
Answer the following questions; (10 marks each)
1. Give a full account of the different types of leucocytes. The counts and development are not required
2.Describien details the histological structure of the different types of bone cells.
3 .Write a detailed account of the histological structure of the non-hairy thick skin.
4.. Give a full account of the different types of cells present in and around the wall of lung alveoli.

KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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HISTOLOGY 31/5/1995
Answer the followin2 questions:
Illustrate all your answers with coloured diagrams:
I - Describe in detail the cellular pattern of the epidermis of human thick skin with reference to functions Enumerate ONL
Y the various types of nerve endings present in both epidermis and dermis of skin. (10)
2-Give an account. of each of the following with reference to function:
a- Neuroglia cells. (6)
b-Transitional epithelium. (4)
3- Describe in detail the histological picture of human spleen with reference of its cellular content blood circulation and
function. (10)
4- Tabulate the main histological differences between:
a- Different granular leucocytes. (6)
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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b.- Spinal and autonomic ganglia. (4)

Sept. Exam. 1998 .... 3/9/1998
Answer the following questions (10 marks Each)
1-Describe the histological structure of two cardiac muscles and the impulse conducting system of the heart including
purkinge fibres.
2- In a table - form mention the differences between
a. Erythrocytes and leucocytes.
b. Medium sized artery and vein.
3- Give a full account of the spleen and its blood supply.
KasrAlAiny School Of Medicine
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عبده الجارح
عبده الجارح
عضو جديد
عضو جديد

عدد المساهمات : 22
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/12/2009
العمر : 32

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